Matthew 5:5

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

In modern vernacular, “meek” has the connotation of weakness.  This is not the meaning that Jesus was trying to convey.  He meant true humility.  He was referring to people who were humble in the biblical sense of the word.

Humility, or meekness, is having a proper view of oneself.  C.S. Lewis said something like this … humility is not a beautiful woman thinking she is ugly or a brilliant man thinking he is stupid.  Rather it is both of them realizing their true attributes but understanding that those characteristics come from God and therefore, they have no cause to be proud or boast about them. (The previous sentences are not quotes but a general idea of what C.S. Lewis said.)

The idea is that one can recognize qualities/abilities about themselves as being good or desirable and utilize those qualities/abilities while at the same time being perfectly humble because they know those qualities/abilities were gifts from God and not anything they can boast about.  That is the attitude that God wants us to have.

Of course we have an enemy that actively tries to thwart God’s will for us.  He tries to incite us to believe the lie that we can take credit for what God has given us.  The devil wants us to view ourselves as having value apart from God and therefore deserving some entitlement from God or others.  We must resist this temptation.

When we have a truly humble, or meek, attitude we are in the best mind-set to live out the Christian life and shine as stars in the darkness of this world.  We will consider others better than ourselves, be quick to forgive, and ready to serve.  We will honor God and put Him above all.  There will be very little to hinder our relationship with Him will be so there will be intimacy.

One day God will create a new Heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1).  Those who have an intimate relationship with God will inherit this new earth.  So it is good to be meek because a glorious future awaits.

Oh God, cause me to be humble.  Remind me of where I came from and grant me clear vision to see myself truly.