Matthew 13:44-46 ESV The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who on finding one peal of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
What is the kingdom of heaven? It is anywhere that God is king (sovereign ruler). That includes both the spiritual realm of heaven and in the spiritual hearts of people who acknowledge God as their king. God is sovereign and has complete authority everywhere, but the kingdom of heaven is where that authority is recognized.
Conversely, anywhere that God’s authority is not recognized is not the kingdom of heaven. One is either in the kingdom of heaven or they are not. Since God has authority everywhere, anywhere or anyone, not in the kingdom of heaven, is in a state of rebellion against God. So, one is either a part of the kingdom of heaven or one is in a state of war against God.
People have many different attitudes towards the kingdom of heaven. Some are actively in rebellion. They see God and everything that is associated with Him to be the enemy. Some are passively in rebellion. They are not actively against God, they just don’t want Him to have authority in their life. Others are more like tourists, they like to visit the kingdom of heaven, but it isn’t where they want to live. Finally there are the people who the parables above are referring to. They acknowledge God as the sovereign ruler in their life.
Of the four groups of people mentioned in the last paragraph, only the final group is really citizens of the kingdom of heaven. Members of the third group think they are but they lack a key component of kingdom citizenship – wholeheartedness.
In these parables, Jesus shows that the kingdom of heaven is supremely valuable, but the only way to receive it is to give up everything else of value in one’s life. Both people in the parable had to sell everything they had to obtain the treasure/pearl. To enter the kingdom of heaven, one must surrender everything to its King. Many of the things one surrenders will be returned as a stewardship. Family, job, hobbies will often be handed back with the understanding that these things must now be secondary to God himself and must be stewarded so that they glorify the king. Some of the things surrendered are kept from us for our own good and replaced with something else that honors the king and benefits us.
Each of us should ask our self, “What have I surrendered to God?” If the honest answer is not “everything” then one should examine themselves to see if God is truly king of their heart.
Almighty King, You are the creator of heaven and earth. All that exists belongs to You and are under Your authority. Take all that I have and give me You, for You are worth everything. If I have withheld anything, please show it to me so that I may repent.