I apologize to my readers. On my introduction page to this blog I state that I will post once or twice a week. Well, it has been over three weeks since I posted. A nasty bout of COVID left me severely fatigued for a couple of weeks and then some personal issues consumed all of my mental energy for another week or so. Posting regularly is a commitment that I take seriously and I failed to do that. I’m sorry.
While we are well past Christmas now, this is the third and final post about the Nativity. We will look at the “guests” of the nativity – the shepherds and the wise men. These two groups were invited to come see and honor Jesus. They accepted that invitation.
Why are these two groups included? Shepherds did come and witness Jesus on the night of His birth (Luke 2:15-20). God sent angels to them to announce the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:8-14). Sometimes God gives us clear and obvious instruction.
I’ve never had an angelic visitation that I know of, but God has spoken clearly to me in many other ways. Most common is the Holy Spirit’s prompting when I read the Bible. At those times, God uses His Word to give direction for specific situations. God has also spoken through dreams, prophecy, and once I am convinced that I heard the audible voice of God (or possibly that was my angelic visitation).
God will speak clearly and directly when He chooses. Often this is when we need to act quickly or miss an opportunity. Despite God speaking clearly, many Christians reject God’s call because it isn’t what they want to hear. It takes them out of their comfort zone or sends them on a path that conflicts with their plans.
The wise men or magi were not actually there for Jesus birth though they may have arrived in time for His first birthday. While God did not give them an obvious personal invitation as He did the shepherds, God did give them a sign that they recognized. They saw the sign because they were looking. Because they followed that sign, they met the Savior.
Christians need to be actively listening and searching for God to lead them. Actively listening means to purposely quiet oneself so your spirit can “hear” God’s still small voice. Actively searching means to be prayerfully look/watch for signs that God is leading you. When we diligently listen and look, we will be amazed at the journey God takes us.
Lord, You are the awesome and almighty God. Thank You for calling us to participate in Your work and plans. Give me ears to hear and eyes to see that I will never miss Your call.
2 Replies to “Nativity part 3”
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Amen !! Glad you’re feeling better now. I was wondering if you might cover a thing I got about the shepherds and wise guys. That is, First God sends the “good news” to the jews, then later to the gentiles. Touching that subject, I believe we gents have been given the same sign, in the heavens, The Rev. 12 sign. In 2017, indicating (to me) the nearness of His coming. Nevermind – I’d always rather hear what you have to say. Thanks for it brother Tom.
Everett, I’d love to talk about the event in 2017.