Matthew 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. (ESV)
Being given a task from God is one of the greatest experiences a person can have. It brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction that nothing else can compare to. However, it can also bring criticism, discomfort, pain, and even danger.
Mary was given a once in eternity opportunity to serve God. She was called to the unique privilege of being the woman to give birth to the Savior of the world. Mary was granted the honor of being the mother of the Messiah. As wonderful as this calling was, in addition to joy and reward, it brought suffering, heartache, and unjust accusation.
Her reputation undoubtedly took a beating as the timing of her pregnancy did not match her The Bible tells us she would have lost her husband if God had not intervened. wedding day. It is not too large of a leap to assume that one of the reasons Mary went to visit her relative Elizabeth was to escape the wagging tongues of the Nazarene gossips. Three decades later Mary’s heart would be broken as she watched her first-born Son be crucified.
Do you want to be part of God’s plan? Does the thought that God has work for you to do excite you? That is good. We should want to be part of God’s plan. We should be excited to be in God’s service. However, we must remember, doing God’s work is not all fun and games. It can have a significant cost.
Obedience to God’s direction can put us in uncomfortable situations. God may call you to do something that causes others, even fellow believers, to become upset. I remember times when as a pastor God directed me to say things that that made people angry. During my years on the mission field I faced many unpleasant and even dangerous situations.
Through it all though, I knew that I was doing what God wanted. I am so grateful that God allowed me to be in the position to have bad experiences because they came in the midst of the many wonderful events that came from serving God. When God calls you to a certain task, be ready for the struggle. Obeying God’s plan will bring incredible joy and satisfaction but be prepared for the flip side as well.
God, you are awesome! In Your grace and mercy You allow us to participate in Your plan. You do not need our help but rather You lovingly prepare opportunities for us to share in the work You are doing. Please give us the strength and courage to persevere through the difficulties to succeed victoriously.