What is in Your Hand

Exodus 4:1-3 ESV  Then Moses answered, “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you.’”  The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”  He said, “A staff.”  And He said, “Throw it on the ground.” So he threw it on the ground and it became a serpent … 

What is in your hand?  That is an interesting question.  God could see it was nothing more than a plain, ordinary shepherd’s staff.  Certainly it was a useful tool for a shepherd but what use was it in convincing a nation of slaves that God was sending Moses as their deliverer?

We should never be quick to discount what is in our hand when it is God who is asking.  A staff may not be impressive but God often chooses to use ordinary things to work extraordinary miracles.  God turned that staff into a serpent, which happened to be a symbol of royal power in ancient Egypt.  God was showing that even a staff can become something which carries a powerful message when we let Him use it.

Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine.  He took plain water in common vessels and turned it into something valuable and exactly what was needed (John 2:1-11).  When Jesus fed 5000 plus people he used a young boy’s lunch to accomplish.  He took an insignificant offering and turned it into abundance (John 6:5-13).

We may not think we have much, but when God calls for it, He can turn it into exactly what is needed to do great things.  We just need to be willing to offer God anything and everything we have and watch Him do miracles.

Doing so can be scary.  Because until we offer to God whatever we have it remains something simple, common, and insignificant.  The staff was just a staff, the water was just water, the lunch was insufficient until they were given to God and He turned them into the answer.  We take the chance that if God does not act, then we will fail miserably.  Offering what we have to God takes courage.  It takes faith.  Thankfully He is faithful!

God does not need our help or our resources.  He could have created a snake, or wine, or food out of nothing.  He could have just spoken them into existence.  But, like the good Father He is, God chooses to allow us to participate in what He is doing.

What we have may not be much.  Our voice may be weak, our influence minuscule, our education incomplete, and our talent unremarkable.  While it remains in our hand, whatever it is, is not enough to accomplish what needs to be done.  However, when God asks for it and we put it in His hands, it is the answer.

Lord God, ask what you will.  Take my offering and use it for Your glory.  Thank You for letting me take part in the miracles You are doing.