Matthew 14:13-14 ESV Now when Jesus heard this, He withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by Himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed Him on foot from the towns. When He went ashore He saw a great crowd, and He had compassion on them and healed their sick.
Today’s passage begins Matthew’s account of Jesus feeding the 5000. We’ll stay in this story for a few posts as there is much to learn. This miracle is the only one mentioned in all four Gospels though they all give different aspects of it. Matthew focuses more on Jesus while some other accounts emphasize the disciples’ reactions.
Matthew mentions that Jesus had just heard the news of John the Baptist’s death. Jesus seems saddened by the news and wants to get away to mourn. In Mark’s version, he points out that Jesus’ disciples were exhausted and Jesus wanted to take them somewhere alone to get some rest (Mark 6:30-31). This means that one of Jesus’ most important miracles happened when He and His disciples were physically, mentally, and emotionally drained.
This in itself is an important lesson. God may not wait until it is convenient, or we “feel like it”, to give us an opportunity to serve. Part of sacrificial living is being ready to obey when God calls, even if it doesn’t fit our plans or timing.
When Jesus saw the crowd, He had compassion on them. He could have seen them as an annoyance, a complication, a roadblock to fulfilling his plans. After all, He was hurting inside, yet He saw their needs and He cared more about them than Himself. To truly live the life God has called us to live, we need to see others the way God sees them.
I struggle to see someone who is actively trying to hurt me or my way of life as God sees them. God loves them, cares about them, and wants a relationship with them. He may not love their actions and/or attitude, but He wants them to know the truth and be set free. I tend to see them as an enemy to be overcome, rather than a person who needs prayer and compassion.
When we can surrender our plans, feelings, and attitudes to God, we can participate in what God is doing.
Lord, You are merciful, kind, loving, and compassionate. Grant that I will have Your heart and see with Your eyes that I may be Your hands in this world.