2 Corinthians 6:16b – 17 ESV … God said, “I will make My dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you.”
It is God’s desire to have a relationship with His people. He created the first humans for relationship but sin broke the relationship and separated mankind from God. God sent Jesus into the world to defeat sin and open the door for that relationship to be re-established.
Jesus’ death and resurrection broke the power of sin and death. It is through the finished work that Jesus did on the cross that makes it possible for us to enter into God’s presence. However, that does not mean we have no role or responsibility to that relationship.
In every relationship, both parties have to work to make the relationship successful. A relationship may survive if one or both sides do not fulfill their role but the relationship will not thrive. Of course, God keeps his obligations to us perfectly. Today’s passage tells us exactly what God expects from us.
God expects us to be holy, which means set apart. The Bible calls the church the bride of Christ. Just as a wife is set apart for her husband (and vice versa) we are to be set apart for God. That does not mean we become hermits and physically distance ourselves from the world. On the contrary, we should be examples to the world. We need to interact with the world so that those around us can see god in us and through us.
Just as I can interact with women at work or in appropriate settings and still be set apart for my wife, Christians can live in the world but not be part of it. As we go about daily life, God should be our highest priority. The standard of our conduct, attitude, and mindset should be set by God and represent Him well to the world.
God makes our relationship with Him possible. He loves and cares for us perfectly. When we reciprocate by honoring Him are Lord, the relationship will thrive, God will be glorified, and we will be blessed.
Lord, You are awesome. Thank You for calling me to be your child. Thank You for being the perfect Father. Grant me a pure heart so that nothing will hinder my relationship with You!