Matthew 1:2

Matthew 1:2  Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers

Jacob is my hero!  Well, actually, Jesus is my hero.  After all, Jesus is the one who saved me and that is what heroes do.  Jacob is more like my anti-hero.  There is nothing heroic about Jacob, but his story (Genesis chapters 25 to 49) in the Bible does give me great hope.


Jacob, later known as Israel,   is the exact opposite of what a hero should be like.  He is a wimpy, deceitful, cowardly trickster who schemes and connives his way through life.  Jacob is completely self-centered.  He cheats virtually everyone he comes in contact with for his own gain.  One has to work to find any redeeming quality in him.  Yet God chose Jacob, before he was born, and blessed him throughout his life.


That is what I find hopeful.  I see a lot of Jacob in me.  I have way too many negative qualities.  Left to my own devices I am deceitful, selfish, lazy, gluttonous, and maybe even cowardly.  I lack discipline and readily gratify the flesh.  However, God chose me and called me to be His child.


Thankfully, God has not left me to my own devices.  Despite having few redeeming qualities on my own, God has given me grace and strength to transform into the man He created me to be.  While it is definitely a work in progress, at least there is progress.  I am more conformed to the image of Christ now than I was twenty (or ten, or five) years ago.


Like Jacob, I am not worthy to participate in God’s plans.  But like Jacob, God has created good works for me to do (Ephesians 2:10) and has allowed me to be involved in some wonderful ministries over the years.


Do you ever feel like you are unworthy of God’s love and grace?  You are correct, but it doesn’t matter.  When God chooses you, He works in you and through you.  We do have a part to play to be sure.  We have to allow God do His work in us and we need to obediently submit to His guidance.  When we do this, we find that our lives, our very being transformed into the person God has created us to be.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for creating me.  I also thank You for creating work for me to do.  On my own I am unable to accomplish the tasks you have set out for me but I am certain that You can empower me to do them.  Lord, transform me into the man You created me to be.  Let my life be a witness to your transforming and life-giving power.  Amen.