Matthew 17:22-23

Matthew 17:22 – 23 ESV As they were gathering in Galilee, Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill Him, and He will be raised on the third day.” And they were greatly distressed.

Has God ever told you something you didn’t want to hear? That’s what happened to the disciples. Jesus told them something that went against their preconceived notions and it distressed them.

The disciples correctly believed that Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for. They knew the prophecies foretold that the Messiah would rule the nations from His throne in Jerusalem. They just had the timing wrong so they expected Jesus to set up His earthly kingdom immediately. His imminent death didn’t fit their interpretation or agenda.

Christians often have expectations of what God will do. These expectations stem from interpretation of scripture, a prophetic word, a teacher, or even wishful thinking. When their expectation isn’t met they are disappointed, sometimes to the point of losing faith.  

When God does not meet our expectation, the reason is always that we were expecting the wrong thing. God never lies. He has never failed. His scriptures are inerrant. We however, interpret incorrectly at times. We push our agenda on God and assume He is bound to fulfill our desires. Sometimes we fail to accurately discern the spirits or test the teachings.

Recently, there were many prophetic voices saying something that I wanted to hear.  Yet the Holy Spirit kept leading me to passages in the Bible where multiple false prophets prophesied things that were never fulfilled. I knew deep in my heart that God was telling me to take care in who I listened to. But I liked their message so much that like the disciples above, God’s message distressed me. So I kept listening to the false voices. Eventually they were proved wrong and I was deeply disappointed.

That is why it is so important to have an abiding relationship with God. Jesus said that those who have a relationship with Him will know His voice and follow where He leads (John 10:27). When we know God’s voice and let that be our guide, we can protect ourselves from much distress and disappointment.

Lord, You are the perfect, almighty, and loving God. You give good gifts to Your children and direct their paths. Cause me to keep my heart focused on You so I will not listen to deceptive lies or misunderstand Your Word.

One Reply to “Matthew 17:22-23”

  1. Agreed sir. When Jesus read from the scroll Then closed it before He finished the verse, and said “This day this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” , there was a gap in the middle of the verse. This is why I believe the Great Sign in Rev 12:1 has been displayed. This country going down fits scripture by making satans takeover possible. So, the display in the heavens happened, perhaps to show us that we are “in the season” of satans activity. The deception of the people in this country is obvious, They will roll over and give up freedoms enthusiastically when presented with a threat. Having grown fat and lazy, and wanting “Big Brother” to take care of these threats. Thank you for the notes here, and the Prayer !! 🙂 Love and Prayers,,, Ev

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