Matthew 19:13-15

Matthew 19:13 – 15 ESV Then children were brought to Him that He might lay His hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for such belongs to the kingdom of heaven.” And He laid hands on them and went away.

Why did the disciples rebuke parents who brought their children to Jesus? They probably thought the kids weren’t important enough to bother Jesus with. In their minds, Jesus was a serious teacher who didn’t have time for little kids.

The disciples were wrong though, Jesus cared about the children and ordered the disciples to let the little children come close. Then Jesus took the time to pray for them. Why did He do this? Because He cared about them. He cared about them because each and every person is important to God and God will not turn away anyone who comes to Him.

God not only cares about all people, but He also cares about everything that impacts His children. So often, Christians have a similar attitude as the disciples. They recognize God is awesome and almighty, so conclude that He isn’t interested in the small things in their lives. Many Christians will pray about “big” issues; major illness, life changing decisions, and serious crisis but hesitate to “bother” God with smaller issues.

Yes, God does care about the cancer diagnosis and your job loss, but He also cares about your financial decisions and your relationship with your neighbor. We can come to God with anything and everything that concerns us and He cares. Just as a good parent cares about everything in their child’s life, God cares about every aspect of our lives.

Don’t hesitate to bring the little things to God. He cares.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for always being there for me. I thank you that you care about everything that pertains to me, no matter how serious or significant. It is all important to You.